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Logging in to Congenica

When on HSCN, GLH users have access to the following Congenica instances:

Production Congenica


UAT Congenica

To login to either instance, users will need an NHS smart card.


If you do not have access to Congenica for the GMS and would like to get access as part of one of the GLHs, please follow your local GLH procedure.

Account requests need to come via the Genomics England Service Desk (

The request must include the following details:

  • User’s full name
  • User's email address
  • Associated GLH name
  • Approver’s name

Requestors need to confirm that they are requesting access to the GMS system.


Access will only be provided once authorized by an approved requestor who certifies the user has received the appropriate training as per GLH procedures. Training can be either through the train the trainer route or through online or onsite training that can be arranged on request through the Genomics England Service Desk.


Congenica recommend using Google’s Chrome browser to access Congenica. Firefox is also compatible. Congenica may be compatible with other browsers, however these are not officially supported.

Congenica cannot be accessed using the Internet Explorer 11 browser; the login button does not work. Please reopen the website using Chrome or Firefox.

Last update: 2023-01-13