User Access Levels and Permissions

The user access level determines which tabs a user has access to within Congenica, and the role the user has in making variant analyses and authorising the results. Users can be assigned multiple access levels, as appropriate.

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Table 3: GLH User Access Levels and Their Associated Permissions

GLH users are assigned analyst, second analyst, authoriser and gene panel curator permissions and will therefore be able to review a variant, assign pathogenicity, second check variants (approve or reject decisions made by first analysts), mark the analysis as Review complete and issue the final summary report. Some users may be given Admin User permissions; these users will be able to perform all actions of the Standard Users plus additional project-level and clinical data management permissions. Please note: ability to add variants to Curated Variant Lists is controlled on an individual Curated List basis. Please refer to the main Congenica user manual.

Last update: 2023-01-13